Borealis for barn: "Lutter Øre"

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zondag 16 mrt 2025 11:00

Eindigt zondag 16 mrt 2025 15:30

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The performance is for children aged 0–3, and the play is performed three times that day.

Lutter øre means to hear, to listen eagerly and attentively. In this new work, which was created especially for children aged 0–3, a singer and three dancers move in a landscape of sound, voice, song and dance, and take the audience on a journey into an enlarged ear – a snail shell with moving cilia. 
They play with soft and hard elements, water, glass and spirals: They look at each other, at the room and at everyone present. They lift, roll, carry and swing. Wow! Suddenly waves and oceans appear. Strange sounds are made, people sing loudly and hum softly. Do they have ears all over their bodies?

More info at
Questions? Contact us at


This performance is for children 0–3 years old, and will be performed three times.

Lutter øre means: to hear, to listen eagerly and attentively . In this new work especially created for children 0–3 years old, a singer and three dancers move in a landscape of sound, voice, song and dance, taking the audience on a journey into an enlarged ear, a snail shell with moving cilia.
They play with soft and hard elements, water, glass and spirals: They look at each other, the room, and everyone present. They lift, roll, carry and swing. Swish! Suddenly, waves and oceans appear. Strange sounds are made, singing loudly and humming softly. Do they have ears all over their bodies?

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Det er viktig for Borealis at festivalen er en trygg plass for alle involverte – tolerant, støttende og fri for trakassering. Vi ber derfor våre publikummere om å vise respekt for alle på festivalen – uansett rase, etnisitet, lyttekompetanse, seksuell legning, kjønnsidentitet, funksjonsvariasjon eller alder.
Vi setter pris på om du gir oss beskjed hvis du ikke kan bruke billetten din.
It is important that the festival is a safe place for everyone involved – tolerant, supportive and free from harassment. We therefore ask all of our audience to promote the same values of respect for all – regardless of race, ethnicity, listening experience, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability or age.
We appreciate if you let us know if you’re not able to use your ticket.


Kjøpte billetter refunderes bare ved avlyst konsert/arrangement. Vi tar forbehold om endringer og trykkfeil i program og utsendt info.
Purchased tickets are only refundable if the event is cancelled. Printing errors in the program and changes in sent out info can occur.


Borealis – en festival for eksperimentell musikk