© TicketCo AS 2025.
Juridische voorwaarden voor ticketkopers
Juridische voorwaarden voor organisatoren
Forvent scener fra en kubansk barndom gjengitt i lag av abstrakte teksturer; en virtuos visjon av en lokk til laksen; romlig eksperimentell elektronikk; og et kompositorisk dykk inn i rockens og punkens verden når komposisjonene til Daiyen Jone Castro, Eira Sjaastad Huse, Evelin Lindberg og Jakob Thonander Glans tolkes av Ensemble Obsidian.
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Vi ønsker at alle skal få komme på festival uansett økonomisk situasjon, og vet det er trange tider for mange i samfunnet. Vi har derfor innført et prissystem der du selv velger hva som passer for deg og din lommebok.
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Expect scenes from a Cuban childhood rendered in layers of abstract textures; a virtuosic vision of a call to the salmon; spatialised experimental electronics; and a compositional foray into the worlds of rock and punk as composers Daiyen Jone Castro, Eira Sjaastad Huse, Evelin Lindberg and Jakob Thonander Glans meet the musicians of Ensemble Obsidian.
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We want everyone to have the opportunity to attend the festival regardless of their financial situation, understanding that times are tough for many of us these days. Therefore we have introduced a new pricing system where you can choose which ticket price suits you and your wallet best.
You'll find more info on this and much more on our webpage
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