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UTSOLGT! Åpningsforestilling: Tze Yeung Ho – "Nara"

En helt ny kammeropera av Tze Yeung Ho som utforsker makt og tvetydighet gjennom den komplekse historien om enkekeiserinnen Cixi

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Welcome to Borealis 2025! This year's opening night features a brand new chamber opera from the renowned young Norwegian-Finnish composer Tze Yeung Ho. Join us in celebrating this year's festival with a stage full of performers from Norway and Hong Kong, and a captivating story about a mythical empress from the Qing dynasty, connected by a musical universe that draws on traditions from both Norway and China. 

Nara explores power and ambiguity through the complex story of the Dowager Empress Cixi – hailed as both a modernist and a tyrant. It delves deep into a fascinating moment in Chinese history, as centuries of imperial rule drew to  a close. Drawing inspiration from his own family’s Hong Kong background, Tze Yeung Ho has created an operatic world that blends Chinese and Western elements, featuring musicians from Hong Kong and a number of renowned Nordic singers, including mezzo-soprano Hege Høisæter and drag artist and composer Josh Spear.

More info at

We want everyone to be able to come to the festival regardless of their financial situation, and we know these are tough times for many in society. We have therefore introduced a pricing system where you choose what suits you and your wallet.

You can find more information about this and much more on our website.
Questions? Contact us at


Welcome to Borealis 2025! This year our opening night presents a brand new chamber opera from renowned Norwegian Finnish composer Tze Yeung Ho. Join us to celebrate with a stage full of performers from Norway and Hong Kong, an intriguing tale of an empress of the Qing dynasty, woven together by an exciting musical universe pulling on inspiration from both Nordic and Chinese musical traditions. 
The complex story of a dowager empress – hailed as both moderniser and tyrant – Nara is a brand new chamber opera exploring power and ambiguity, diving deep into a fascinating moment of Chinese history, as centuries of Imperial rule was coming to an end. Drawing inspiration from his own heritage in Hong Kong, Tze Yeung creates an operatic world that blends Chinese and Western classical elements, featuring musicians from Hong Kong alongside a cast of Nordic singers, including acclaimed mezzo-soprano Hege Høisæter and the multifaceted drag performer and composer Josh Spear.

More info on

We want everyone to have the opportunity to attend the festival regardless of their financial situation, understanding that times are tough for many of us these days. Therefore we have introduced a new pricing system where you can choose which ticket price suits you and your wallet best. 

You'll find more info on this and much more on our webpage
Questions? Get in touch on

musikk eksperimentell festival opera kina


Det er viktig for Borealis at festivalen er en trygg plass for alle involverte – tolerant, støttende og fri for trakassering. Vi ber derfor våre publikummere om å vise respekt for alle på festivalen – uansett rase, etnisitet, lyttekompetanse, seksuell legning, kjønnsidentitet, funksjonsvariasjon eller alder.
Gi oss gjerne beskjed om du ikke kan benytte din billett likevel.
It is important that the festival is a safe place for everyone involved – tolerant, supportive and free from harassment. We therefore ask all of our audience to promote the same values of respect for all – regardless of race, ethnicity, listening experience, sexual orientation, gender identity or expression, disability or age.
We appreciate if you let us know if you’re not able to use your ticket.


Kjøpte billetter refunderes bare ved avlyst konsert/arrangement. Vi tar forbehold om endringer og trykkfeil i program og utsendt info.
Purchased tickets are only refundable if the event is cancelled. Printing errors in the program and changes in sent out info can occur.